A very brief, pictorial update for Carol who inquired about some smaller vases I may have in stock at the moment. Behold: I am short-stocked. I have another similar to the red vase on the left.

To everyone else: Happy Advent! Today, of course, is the first Sunday in Advent, the liturgical season of preparing for the birth of the Christ Child. So we've been doing Adventy things like marveling at the 70-degree weather, playing with Temperance in the yard, and putting up our tree.
I was out and about yesterday for a last-minute show across the river in Fort Pierre, and a great thanks to all who came out and especially those who supported this local artist. Krystal was on hand with me and enjoyed bartering up a storm of my pottery in exchange for shiny things to call her own. We make a good team.
I have news in the works, too. Stay tuned, keep posted. I'm excited. Very soon. And I've also been throwing pots for a pre-Christmas firing. I'm still willing to take any orders this week for those looking for the perfect gift.
That's all for tonight. Talk to y'all later, and thanks for reading!
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