Friday, June 15, 2012

Weekly Update

This week got away from me a bit. I was hoping to do more throwing than I did, and had to throw out a couple things that were thrown over the weekend because they didn't get trimmed soon enough.  I'm six weeks out from the next show, which gives me maybe two weeks to do anymore throwing. Fortunately, I feel like I'm in a good place as far as inventory is concerned, and the Clear Lake sale is only a one-day event, but there are a few things I'd like to see more of.  

Mostly, though, my to-do list is comprised of non-production show prep that has been ignored. I haven't done an outdoor event in several years, and I'm feeling the need to step up my game a little bit with regard to display and presentation. All of my "need-to-do's" may not get done by July, but it's good to be thinking about them now, if only to be ready for any shows that come up over the fall.

Got flowers blooming in the front yard. Local Farm & Fleet starts to discount live plants mid-July or so, and by the first of August anything that's left is free. Slim pickings, but some hidden gems. Planted these last summer and they gave us a modest presentation last fall. They've been absolutely gorgeous this spring.
Vases. Lefty sort of reminds me of the White Tree of Gondor. Thinking that'd make a pretty impressive line of mugs, to throw that tree inside a blue badge of some sort.
Big guy, little guy. 
Slipped and ready for action.
So that's where I'm at. Contemplating producing a dozen/score of mugs and trying something new with them, but people just haven't been buying my mugs lately. I mean, I don't like making them that much either so maybe I shouldn't complain... but I've been throwing some ideas around I'd like to flesh out maybe.

Haven't been listening to a whole lot of one thing or the other (in the studio) but have been playing a lot of NPR's All songs Considered podcast. Which means a lot of listening to all things and the other. From folk to rock to hip hop and electronic music, they episodes range from topical ("The Speak-Singing Debate" and "Remembering Mom & Dad's Record Collection") to timely (recent releases, festival previews) or genre specific (Electronic! Alt-Latino!). So that's been happening.

To what comes next: more pots? Hoping for some studio time this weekend. It may be difficult as tomorrow brings a wedding anniversary of some significance. Five years. Has it been that long? Certainly is hard to believe. Or as I responded to Krystal last night, "Five years - is that all?"

Then she punched me.

But seriously, she's my best friend, my most ardent supporter, and other mushy-gushy stuff.
So here's to five great years, and many, many more to come.

And please, can I spend some time in the studio this weekend?


Mr. Young said...

Congrats! Five years is a milestone! It won't seem that long before you look back and say "30 years!? Is that all?" she'll punch you again, but it will be a loving punch.

Mr. Young said...

(we hit 34 years this Nov.). It was worth it.

Anita said...

So...if those vases were just a bit wider at the top, a gallon size would be perfect for my Kombucha!! What's that you ask? Look it up!!
Love you!

Luke said...

Thanks for the note - and congrats to you, too! 34 years is worth celebrating for sure!