Well, I am still alive, though I've been a bit of a failure when it comes to the potting and the blogging and the pursuing of clay-filled days and nights. Such is life. But rest assured that I have not simply been twiddling my thumbs this fortnight. Of primary occupation in regard to my temps libre has been that taking advantage of the nicer weather that begins to grace the upper midwest sometime between February and October. We normally get a few good days in that window, and a fair share of them fell in the last week or so. We (being Krystal & I) spent the better part of a weekend taking care of some outdoor projects - a church clean-up day, finally raking out the last portions of last fall's mess from our yard, planting our veggie garden, putting some perennials in the front of the house - hopefully they take! We also had to make another trip back to Iowa for my brother's high school graduation (Congrats, Noah!). Pictures to come, perhaps?
On top of all that, I've been keeping busy with a fair share of graphic-design related freelance projects for Krystal and some other clients. Here's a sample of something I recently did for
Hunkpati Investments and The Harvest Initiative for their upcoming "buy local" campaign:
Not too fancy, but I think that sure looks pretty classy. |
If you're not familiar with what those two organizations are up to you should really check it out - neat stuff, lots of exciting news out of their camp lately. Also, my wife is sort of the director of Hunkpati. She's kind of a big deal. Or something. So that's been fun. Little creative challenges that look in a different direction than the pots.
Someone else has also been taking up a lot of my time:
A whole lotta this. |
A fair share of this. |
And if you're watching closely enough, there's even been some of this. |
But there has been some potting over the last couple weeks - just no posting to prove it. Here are my meager offerings of progress:  |
More test bowls. Still trying to experiment with some combo glazes. There are two less than pictured here (not counting the warpy one) because my studio assistant got a little peckish when I wasn't looking. |
Little white plate. Was supposed to be a bowl, but the bowl part got too heavy to support itself. Oops. So the bottom remained and voila le plate. |
Big white plate. This one is exactly what I set out for. Nice chunky rim. |
Bowl decorated tonight. Pretty? |
So there you go, and now I go off for sleepy times.