Monday, October 26, 2009

Productive Weekend - Photoblog.

Today I don't really feel like writing that much, but I have a lot of pictures from the weekend, so I'll be doing a quick photo/caption-based update on the progress.  Krystal was out of town for the weekend, so I spent way too much time in the studio.  Overall it was very productive and I'm pleased with the results of my weekend, but I did have a couple of pieces that just weren't going to make it.  On account of the upcoming Guild show, there is a deadline for greenware (dried pottery) to be bisqued, and that deadline is tomorrow.  Which means that to guarantee my work dry for firing, it would have be completely decorated and trimmed by yesterday.  Which I just wasn't able to accomplish with a few things.  C'est la vie.  Here are the pictures:

Platter 1 of 2 for the weekend.  Good sized - 15-16"

Platter 2 of 2 for the weekend.  Comparable size.

Trio of white bowls to be decorated - possibly a set.

Smallest of the above trio - a preview.

A family of Vases (Clockwise, from top-right: Papa Vase, Sister Vase, Brother Vase, and Mama Vase).  They're like the Berenstein Vases, except they probably don't end each adventure with a moral lesson and maxim to live by.

Bowls.  12" across.  I like the one on the left.

Everything hanging out on the top shelf drying.  See all the happy vases?

So that's my weekend in review.  There were a vew other pots thrown that didn't get photographed, but you'll see them sooner or later.  Also got another batch of glazed stuff out - I'll try to get some photos up in the (nearly) immediate future.  Tomorrow is the big day where I drop my pots off at the Lincoln Center (not the one in New York) for this weekend's show (see poster/banner at the top of the page) and the fall sales begin.  This is the first real test to see whether any of my recent work is at all likeable.  I guess we'll find out.

Endure your Monday! 

(Because "Enjoy your Monday" is just too optimistic for my blood).

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